
The Ripple Effect of Late Payments: How Unsettled Invoices Impact Your Team and Business Trajectory

The Ripple Effect of Late Payments: How Unsettled Invoices Impact Your Team and Business Trajectory

First and foremost, late payments can be demoralizing for the hardworking individuals who form the backbone of your consultancy. When invoices go unpaid, the team may begin to question the stability of the business and the value of their contributions. When this happens, your fractional team may start to blame you, and can affect how responsive they are to your requests going forward. Thankfully, the team at Shepheard Marketing has stuck by me through thick and thin, and we have weathered more than our share of storms.

What's the Deal with Hashtags?

What's the Deal with Hashtags?

Working in social media involves using hashtags in a strategic way. Everyone knows they have a purpose, but not everyone knows what that purpose is. Hashtags get more eyes on posts. But how many…and what type? Are some hashtags too long (or too short) and therefore detrimental to post reach? Is there a magic combination or formula for hashtag use that will get us the views and interactions we are all striving for?

Connecting Small Businesses to Their Target Market

Connecting Small Businesses to Their Target Market

Mobile Pet Shine is not the first or the last small business that will attempt their own marketing in-house. The struggle Tage faced is trying to operate his marketing while also running every other aspect of his business. He described the process as, “difficult to learn, time consuming and not cost effective. “Things fall through the cracks and if you’re not being consistent in your messaging you’re not doing it well.”

Don't Underestimate the Importance of Your Online Presence

Don't Underestimate the Importance of Your Online Presence

When I work with small business owners or agents of a larger company, I see a lot of marketing basics overlooked in favor of - and rightfully so - client and customer attention, and frankly whatever fire needs to be put out right now. One of the major things that gets overlooked is online presence. Google My Business specifically. Don’t know what GMB is? Here’s what happens when I “Google my business”, Shepheard Marketing.