Understanding Your Target Audience

Inspired by a chat with a colleague in the UK, Paul Padmore of Innovationbubble in London, back in September of 2021, I thought I should address the all-important issue of understanding your target audience. What business owners may think their target market is, may not be, and what it started out to be, may be no more. Confusing? Absolutely. Here’s a video of me talking about this topic when I was at the beginning of my 100 Videos in 100 Days Challenge.

Assessment tools to determine customer archetypes to make sure you are reaching your target are important to implement when you don’t think you’ve got it quite right. Different personality types consume information in different ways, and we need to cater to those needs in order to deliver appropriate messages to them.

Collecting data to inform your marketing strategy is a strategy in and of itself. Businesses that align themselves with these marketing best practices perform and are seen in a brighter light than those that don’t. The businesses that don’t pay attention to the message and the person hearing/seeing/reading the message are missing the point of marketing entirely.

Passion speaks as loud as your marketing. When you are passionate about your business it shows because you do the activities that are required to be successful, and one of those things is following the marketing data.

Marketing touches every aspect of your business as well. Strategy, data, follow-through. It all culminates into a sound marketing program and plan. Working closely with your professional marketer is integral to your business success. Don’t ignore the marketing aspect of running your business, no matter how successful or comfortable you are. You need to keep the pipeline full, and you need marketing in order to do that.